Sexually transmitted infections (so-called STDs or STI) can affect any sexually active person, whether it is homosexual or heterosexual contact. Some of them are unpleasant but largely harmless. Others, however, can sometimes become life-threatening or trigger long-term secondary diseases.

Reassuringly, many sexually transmitted infections can usually be treated well if they are detected early.

Sexually transmitted infections can be caused by very different pathogens, and there is quite a wide spectrum here.

Syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia, for example, are bacterial infections that can be treated well with antibiotics if they are diagnosed at an early stage. Virally transmitted infections are, for example, the HI virus, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes infections and the human papilloma viruses (HPV). In addition, there are also infections transmitted by fungi, which are often found vaginally, and parasitic infections such as trichomoniasis. But lice and mites are also sexually transmitted.

It is possible to become infected with several pathogens at the same time, and this is not uncommon.

Sexually transmitted infections can be transmitted during all sexual practices. In addition, they can also be transmitted from the pregnant woman to the embryo, during birth or during breastfeeding to the child. Transmission through blood contact is also possible; this is often problematic in the case of viral infections. Here, intravenous drug use also plays a role when needles are exchanged. In countries with poor hygiene control, transmissions can also take place in the hospital through contamination.

The symptoms of a disease are very variable. They can be an unusual, sometimes foul-smelling or discoloured discharge from the vagina, penis or anus, but also pain, burning, itching or changes in the mucous membrane. An unclear deterioration of the general condition of a non-specific nature, fever, female menstrual disorders or sore throat can also be symptoms of an STD. Often the infections are completely asymptomatic.

Talk to us if you have had unprotected intercourse or notice symptoms or are worried after sexual contact. We can carry out various tests for sexually transmitted infections and advise you. We treat all conditions discreetly and follow the latest data protection rules.

Many sexually transmitted infections can be treated well if the disease is recognised and treatment is carried out in a timely and targeted manner. It is important to treat the sexual partner as well, otherwise a so-called “ping-pong effect” with recurring mutual infection can occur.

Some sexually transmitted infections are incurable, but should still be recognised and treated in time to prevent worse consequences (see under HIV infection).  This also applies to hepatitis B and C and the HPV viruses. Children should be vaccinated urgently before their first sexual intercourse in order to prevent HPV-associated tumour diseases in the future. This applies equally to boys and girls.

Condoms, vaccinations, pre-exposure prophylaxis or post-exposure prophylaxis (HIV) are used for prophylaxis and to reduce infection. In addition, since 2021 there has been the option of a one-time test for the hepatitis viruses type B and C as part of the health examination (Check up 35) of the statutory health insurance. Please do not hesitate to contact us on any topic! We also offer HIV pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis in our practice!